A man goes to the doctor with a long history of migraine headaches.  When the
doctor does his history and physical, he discovers that the poor guy has tried
practically every therapy known to man for his migraines and still no
improvement.  "Listen," says the doc, "I have migraines, too and the advice
I'm going to give you isn't really anything I learned in medical school, but
it's advice that I've gotten from my own experience.  When I have a migraine,
I go home, get in a nice hot bathtub, and soak for a while.  Then I have my
wife sponge me off with the hottest water I can stand, especially around the
forehead.  This helps a little.  Then I get out of the tub, take her into the
bedroom, and even if my head is killing me, I force myself to have sex with
her.  Almost always, the headache is immediately gone.  Now, give it a try,
and come back and see me in six weeks."
Six weeks later, the patient returns with a big grin.  "Doc, I took your
advice and it works!  It really works!  I've had migraines for 17 years and
this is the first time anyone has ever helped me!"  "Well," says the
physician, "I'm glad I could help."  "By the way, Doc," the patient adds, "You
have a really nice house."
