Stages of an employee:

Neophyte _____________

-----Comes to work on time.-----

-----Leaves a little early.-----

-----Takes long lunches off site.-----

-----Majority of life is still outside of work.-----

-----Has no real responsibility.-----

-----Happy to do any task, like cleaning crumbs out
     of your keyboard.-----

-----Cannot believe s/he is getting paid so much to talk
     to college buddies on the phone and surf the Internet all day. -----

-----Life is great! -----

Entry Level _______________

-----Arrives and leaves on time. -----

-----Feels important when boss asks him/her to work late and does so 
     without hesitation. -----

-----Brags to friends, "I chose the typeface for the IBM presentation".  

-----Considers a $25 bonus as indicator of undying company loyalty.-----

-----Eats at desk on occasion. -----

-----Life is pretty good. -----

Worker ______________

-----Leaves late occasionally.  -----

-----Never calls in sick just to take the day off anymore.----

-----Is entirely responsible for meaningless projects, like changing 
     "Systems Group" to "Technology Group" in all company documentation. -----

-----Still comes into work with hangovers. -----

-----Personal life is unknowingly vanishing. -----
